Youth Can Do It ! 📣
Mary Cep is a member of the Youth Action Council of the Disability Justice Network of Ontario. On a blog by Youth Friendly, the disability advocate shared insights on how organizations can do better for people with disabilities.
Cep shared that there is a lack of representation among artworks and programs and have been accused of not trying hard enough.
In terms of ways how organizations can accommodate young people with disabilities, Mary Cep expressed that in order to be inclusive, “everything created from the ground up should reflect a continual effort to diversify their community.” (Youth Friendly, 2021)
“I think it’s important to note that there’s no perfect way for change to unfold, but if we move forward with the intention to really listen to each other’s experiences, stories, ideas and needs, the steps necessary to take will reveal themselves.” – Cep stated in the aforementioned blog
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